Change the Light Source...

Have you ever heard you are not your history? I know we are a culmination of all that has happened to us, but are we our history? Would you erase your history if you could? Take back some of those decisions you made, change the course of your life, or just not do something you thought you really wanted? Did you learn from past? All the good and bad has shaped the magnificent person you are? Or do you hold on every little hurt that  happened to you like the first time you were kissed, or when your hear is broken? Do you relive your wedding day or the day you buried you beloved Granny?

Imagine you could erase your history. Just let it go?  Would you?   As a part of my journey, I sometimes review my old journals.  I have written in our journals since I was 13 year-old.  I wrote about good days, bad days, accomplishments, prayers, frustrations, and pain. 

Is this healthy? Here lies my problem.  My baggage (my journals) have figuratively and literally been carried around for 25 years!  In my journey to shine it seems counterproductive to carry around such heavy baggage.  So, I burned them. Well, not all of them.  I took out very special memories like the day I graduated from college, writings, my first real job, poems, and drawings I love then burned the rest.

I set all of the pages from the last 25 years on fire.  I held each page, read it, relived whatever emotion was on that page.  I felt happiness, sadness, and even pain.    My beloved Zenique stood with me as I watched my memories burn.  The smoke of my memories lifted to the heavens.  With each wave of smoke I said a prayer:

Lord thank you for all you have done for me.  You walked with me with each page regardless of the circumstance.  Thank you Lord for accepting my history.  I lay it down.

I felt rejuvenated, refreshed, and inspired. Saying you are giving over your past and actually doing it is totally different. Burning my journals was a physical act that symbolized my steps to an enlightened life.  I had to let it go. I am walking free of that baggage.

I encourage you to lose your history, lose the baggage in your life that holds you back from embracing the amazing life you have today.  It could mean burning your old journals, trashing your ex's stuff, cleaning out your closets, de-cluttering your house, or forgiving someone.  Letting go of your history to be present in your life because your future is bright.

Shine on....


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