Box of Tears

Box of Tears

"Keep your head up."  "He will never give you more than you can handle."
"It is a mystery"
"God has a plan"
 "Turn that frown to a smile."
I am skeptical when I get canned answers cliched responses like these. When you are hurt, this is a bunch a malarkey.  The feeling to punch that person is overwhelming because clichés do not help.  Not me at least… I thought.

Disappointment hurts especially when you really want something.  I got a notice from an Ed. D program that one form was not completed correctly. Please understand I called to check if all documents were in order with the assurance and I quote “clear for takeoff.” Lying succubus.  I had my hopes set, ready to be Dr. B. Not sure if I was fully prepared, I applied.  I know my prolonged avoidance of a higher degree came from a fear of failure, so I went for it. When I got the email stating my paperwork was incomplete, I crumbled.  I instantly cried.  I felt hurt the succubus tricked me with her reassuring voice, I was on the right track.  All I felt was sorrow for wishing that I could actually move forward past my fear.  I cried, cried harder, and even harder…until.

Zenique hates to see me cry.  She cradled me in her arms and soothed my hurt feelings.  When her shirt was soaked with my disappointment tears, she made me stand up, hugged me tight, said “God has a better plan for you” (cliché and I did not punch her because I was too weak from crying). She kissed my forehead and asked me to box dance.

Huh? *blink blink*

Hear me out. On countless occasions, I asked her to dance with me and met with “hell no.” Skeptical, I let her “teach” me to box dance. She took my hand, “right”, I go right.  “No LaVette, my right.”  I go left. Once the basic commands were clear, we glided across the living room floor.  The tears were not flowing so hard, light filled my heart and a smile was unexpectedly on my face.

Those tender 2 minutes lifted me from the sadness of what might have been.  As the days progressed, when the sadness called to my spirit like a bill collector, my Zenique would grab my hand and glide me across the floor signing the words…”let’s dance.”

Regardless of what type of disappointment you face, I testify to the cliché (please don’t punch me) of “Rejoice through sorrow.” Yes, the problem will be there, but your perception on how to deal with the problem changes.  Pray, dance, write, clean, but do something that will give you a positive result.  Do not let yourself stay in the darkness.  Ask your Zenique to show you the way if you are too lost to see.

Luckily, I have a great dance partner in this life who gave me a way out.

Shine on my loves,


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