The Power...

Why do you go?

Today in church I was sitting there thinking why I ever left church in the first place. Had my faith changed? Did my love for God change? No, I got lost in the looking and judging. I was so busy worrying about what they thought of me, that I forgot why I loved church so much.

No I will not deny I get frustrated with the "show" sometimes. It is amazing how there is always the nosey church lady, the dancing deacon, the shouting mom, or the bad kids. All churches are made of the same thing....people. But what is different now is me. I see the "place" as a port for me learn and reconnect to the God. It is my fault I left. I got all academic with it.

Anyway, I went today to pray. Just to pray. I felt my heart lift and I needed it so bad. Today was a good day...What do you go for?


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