A New Year...a new way to Shine (side eye).

*clears throat and steps up to the mic*

HAPPY NEW YEAR!  Yes, it is the time of year when your news feed floods with so much optimism it can make a Smurf gag. I apologize for my cynicism.  I want to offer a counter view to this optimism.  The resolution to lose weight, get closer to God, eat better, praying for others....all lies.  There I said it.  Yes, you are lying to yourself and others. Why wait for the calendar to change when you have a new start every day to be better?  I mean, seriously why profess your aspirations of improvement when you know good and well you will be just as trifling by March?   

Zenique says "be better than yesterday, LaVette.  Instead of trying to change everything all at once, just make improvements daily." I did not listen.  I fell prey to the New Year's optimism fallacy.  I would sit on the first day of the year and reread my journals of the previous year to see if I matured, grown or met my goals.   Each time, I felt a sense of failure because I almost never controlled my temper, forgave past hurts or moved past mourning the loss of the job I once loved.  I looked through the last few years of journals and my struggles and shortcomings are the same...thus no growth.  I did not improve daily. Babe, you are right.  I was wrong. 

What is the point of flooding Facebook with shallow affirmations of reflections like "I look back over my year I know God has always been there for me?"   Ironically, when you look at location of the post, it is the from the Club Get-a-life bathroom. Really?  What is the point of posting this on social networking cites, when in the real world you do not even talk to God until you are stressed or broke?  Why do we profess our goals when we do not really have a plan or actual commitment to achieve these goals?

Let me help cut through the crap.  Instead of lofty resolutions for the the New Year - JUST BE REAL! Stop telling "friends"and "followers" you are going to be better.  Just be better. Stop flooding the universe with this shallow shit and actually personify agape love. Love unconditionally without judgement and reservation. Everyday....not just in January. 

If you still hold on the the resolution pipe dream, Oprah can help you with Commonly Broken New Year's Resolutions at http://www.oprah.com/health/Commonly-Broken-New-Years-Resolutions/1. This article outlines which resolutions are broken and offers ways to keep you on track.  I can be helpful.

As for me, I will just be me...everyday. Period.

*drops the mic and walks away*


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