Clap on Bey...

Clap on Bey....

Answer these questions:

1. Can you change others?
2. Do you have the power to influence another person's beliefs?
3. Is it possible for someone to persuade you on your core beliefs?

Most likely all of your answers are NO.  We cannot change others, influence beliefs, or even allow others to change ours.  So why do people get on social networking sites preaching what should and should not be done.  I fight the urge to chime in on discussion of how Beyonce' is a Satan worshiper, or how Jay-Z does not care for his own people.  But, what can I say, I do not have the answers more than anyone else.

What concerns me more is the unsolicited opinion of the public when there should be none. Like Blue Ivy's hair, how Willow changes her hair, or how Duck Dynasty fella get fired for stating his core beliefs? 

Do we always have to comment? The simple answer is no, complex answer is yes.  The elusive comment box beckons us to say something.  That is why it is there....right?   More importantly, have you ever notice how celebrities do not comment after they post whatever they want to post?  If we follow the lead of many celebrities (besides fashion), we must ignore the hate and simply...don't scroll done.

In the real world, it is hard to walk this line, but I am learning to comment when I am addressed or stay in my own lane!  I will clap for your success and keep silent when you post what are waste of key strokes.  My opinions are just my thoughts...not the law.  So, we must all remember that no matter what we think, it is just what we think. Clap on Bey....

Shine on...folks


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